Welcome to the Church of St. Mary

Waverly, Minnesota

140+ Years of Sharing Faith, Bringing Hope and Living Love!

Join Us for Mass

St. Mary's, Waverly, MN

Weekend Mass

5:00 pm Saturday

8:00 am & 10:30 am Sunday

Daily Mass

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00 am

Thursday: 5:30 pm

First Saturday 8:00 am


Thursday: 5:00-5:20 pm

First Friday: 8:30am

First Saturday: 8:30 am

Saturday: 3:30-4:30 pm

Around the Parish...

Small Group News

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    February 6

Are you looking for a way to grow deeper in your faith?  Perhaps you are looking for a way to connect with your chuch community?

Small Groups are actively meeting at St. Mary's, contact Jessica if you'd like more information.

Small Group Calendar

Men's COR is here!

The Knight's of Columbus present Men's COR!

Thusday, March 27 -  6:15 pm

Waverly KC Hall

All Men are welcome!

Altar Server Training

Next Meeting 4/5/25

Please meet in

Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am

This is our Monthly Training!

In April we will be preparing for Holy Week and praticing the

 Incense proceedure again.

Please bring a friend interested in serving!

Congratulations to Braxton!

Our Winner for Altar Server of the Month of February!

Thank you for your willingness to serve!

Get Involved

Discover the exciting happenings in our

lively community!

Get a sneak peek of the upcoming events.

view calendar

Waverly Knights of Columbus - Hospitality Weekend

Join us for donuts & Refreshments after all Weekend Masses March 29 & 30

Altar ServerTraining & Program

Altar Servers: Grade 4 & Up

Please join us the First Saturday of Every Month

for Training & Fellowship!

We meet at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall!

Next Meeting is April 5th

Altar Server Program

Extreme Faith Camp Registration is OPEN!

More Info

Next Family Formation Night

Wednesday, April 9

K-9th Grades & Parents 6:30 pm

Fellowship Hall

For more information

Confirmation Classes Meet Sundays at 9:10 am

in the Youth Room for more information

See Faith Formation Calendar

KC Bingo-Waverly KC Hall

Saturday, April 5

6:30 pm

About St.Mary's

Welcome to St. Mary’s Catholic Church! Since the 1880’s, the Church of St. Mary’s has been an essential part of the Waverly community by bringing the sacraments and the teachings of the Church to thousands of people. Today, our parish family continues its mission of proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ and nourishing souls with the gifts of his presence and his grace.

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